Just Breathe.

When you walk through the doors of Rainwater Wellness, you may suddenly be inspired to take a nice slow, deep breath. At least that’s our hope. We use high quality essential oils throughout the spa to create a relaxing environment with the intention of inspiring one, or several, of those wonderful long, deep breaths.

What’s all the hype about long, deep breaths? Well, on a physiological level, this type of intentional breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system. Your rest and digest mode. It also slows your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure so the body can enter a state of relaxation, and relaxation supports healing of body, mind, and spirit.

Let’s try a little experiment. Wherever you are at this moment, notice your breathing. Is it shallow, labored, hard to detect (though, you know you’re alive so you must be breathing, right)? Now, gently close your eyes, relax your shoulders, pause for a moment, then take a nice deep, slow breath in through your nose and follow it with a full and complete exhale through your mouth. Notice any difference?

Rainwater Wellness has a variety of services that will inspire you to close your eyes, relax, and just breathe.

Rainwater Yoga-

As our yoga instructors lead you through a variety of asanas, or postures, you will become aware of how your breathing flows with your movement. And in the final pose, corpse pose (savasana), you will find yourself to be in a state of fully relaxed breathing and parasympathetic bliss.

Rainwater Soaks-

Imagine a beautiful candle lit space, delicate aromas wafting, complete privacy, and a tub of perfectly warm water to slip into. Just imagining it inspires a nice deep breath. Our tubs are a favorite for anyone in need of relaxation and space to just breathe.

Rainwater Massages-

All our massage services come with a complimentary essential oil of your choice, and hot towels. Our skilled therapists begin their sessions by asking you to take some nice deep breaths, inspired by the essential oil you’ve chosen. Throughout your massage, you will become aware of all the places in your body where stress and tension are lurking. It’s those long deep breaths that will help you release that tension and melt into complete relaxation.

We welcome you to pay us a visit here in Albuquerque’s North Valley. At the very least, come in and browse, or just have a seat and enjoy a cup of lemon infused water-and breathe.