Yoga Pose Rainwater Wellness Spa towels and sandals

On behalf of the entire staff at Rainwater Wellness, we’d like to wish you a very Happy New Year! We are truly grateful for the opportunity to support you on your health and wellness journey.

As the New Year arrives with all the hopes and possibilities of a fresh start, a veritable clean slate, the new year is often fraught with big promises we make to ourselves. Promises to exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, etcetera, etcetera. You know the story. The question is: How sustainable is this approach?

Forming new habits can be challenging, and varies widely depending on personality, circumstances, and behavior. One study, led by health psychology researcher Phillippa Lally, showed that it takes approximately 66 days for a new habit to become automatic. Lally also goes on to say that the time range to establish a new habit can vary anywhere from 18-254 days. That’s quite a range.

Remember, a little bit of kindness goes a long way. Cliché, I know, but also very true. Patience and kindness with yourself on this journey to establishing new habits and developing sustainable practices is going to prove more conducive to keeping you on track than any amount of force, guilt, and suffering you may be inclined towards. Even if you’re on the 254-day end of Lally’s habit-forming range, I urge you to be patient with yourself.

Rainwater Wellness Spa soaking tub


How can Rainwater Wellness support you? I’m so glad you asked!

Finding community- We are a community of health and wellness-minded folks, and we strive to provide you with exceptional service to meet your specific needs. We care. And, not to mention, if you attend any of the classes and courses we offer, you’re likely to meet some wonderful like-minded people on a similar path.

Relaxation- Stress, especially chronic stress, can be a huge obstacle in your efforts to achieve better health. Stress affects us on so many levels; emotionally, physically, and mentally. Stress causes anxiety, affects digestion, mental clarity, and sleep. I cannot emphasize enough that managing your stress is just as important as diet and exercise. So, let’s start with our big, beautiful, private tubs. Soaking is a great way to melt away stress, get out of your head and back into your body. To enhance your soak, we add an herbal sachet of your choice; lavender/rosemary/chamomile, rose/calendula, or our newest addition cedar/citrus, along with a couple of generous scoops of Epsom salts to your tub. Intensity in your workout is great but remember that relaxation is also important. Yoga is another excellent stress buster, and we have two AMAZING teachers here at Rainwater Wellness, Dave Yoss and Lori Armijo. Our Centering Yoga Flow class, with Dave, offers Ayurvedic principles to release tension and explore our embodiment from a place of well-being and play. Our Yin Yoga class, with Lori, focuses on restorative practices that will move you through poses that target ligaments, joints, and fascial networks to relieve stress and tension stored deep within the body. Lastly, we have massage. Rainwater Wellness has exceptional massage therapists who will effectively work the areas that need deep work while allowing the body to return to a blissful state of tranquil homeostasis.

Services- We continue to update our classes and services to meet the needs of our clients. In January, we will be adding two new enhancement services: cupping and Himalayan hot stones (in addition to our basalt stones). Both enhancements will offer relief to sore achy muscles. We will also be adding Reiki sessions to our menu of services for your energetic grounding, as well as a Sunday meditation following the Sunday yoga class. Dr. Monica Delgado will continue to offer her Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/Tapping workshop and meditation in January as well.

Final note: If you are a health and wellness provider who would like to join the Rainwater collective, please give us a call or come by for information and a tour.

Rainwater Wellness is committed to supporting you on your wellness journey.

Happy New Year!